Generate a fractionation factor object. Can be initialized in alpha and epsilon notation. Fractionation factors can be easily converted from values in one notation to values in another notation by using switch_notation.

fractionation_factor(..., major = get_iso_opts("default_major"),
  notation = get_iso_opts("default_ff_notation"), ctop = "",
  cbot = "", single_as_df = FALSE)

ff(..., major = get_iso_opts("default_major"),
  notation = get_iso_opts("default_ff_notation"), ctop = "",
  cbot = "", single_as_df = FALSE)



- numeric vectors (can be named) to turn into fractionation factors


- name of the major isotope in the isotope system [optional]


- which notation the value is in, "alpha" (alpha value), "eps" (epsilon value), "permil" (epsilon * 1000) are currently implemented for fractionation_factor values. See switch_notation on details how to convert between notations.


- name of the compound representing the top isotope ratio [optional]


- name of the compound representing the bottom isotope ratio [optional]


See isotopia for general information on initializing and converting to other isotope data objects. The ff function is a shorthand for fractionation_factor but otherwise identical.

See also

Other isotope data types: abundance, delta, intensity, ratio