This function returns an isotope object's (single value or isotope system) primitive data value(s).

get_value(iso, notation = iso@notation)

# S4 method for ANY
get_value(iso, notation = iso@notation)

# S4 method for numeric
get_value(iso, notation = NULL)

# S4 method for Isoval
get_value(iso, notation = iso@notation)

# S4 method for Isosys
get_value(iso, notation = NULL)



specifiy which notation to return the value in (default is the notation that the object is in)


In the case of a single isotope object (Isoval), returns the numeric vector of raw values stored in the object (same as as.numeric). In the case of an isotope system (Isosys), returns the data frame underlying the object with all its isotope value objects also replaced with their numeric raw values. To just get the data frame but keep the isotope values intact, use instead.

See also